Center for Equity & Inclusive Leadership
Seeks to engage and empower diverse community members to promote an understanding of social and racial equity and foster inclusive leadership opportunities.
The Urban League of Greater Chattanooga launched a new Center for Equity and Inclusive Leadership (CEIL) in 2021.
The CEIL was launched with the primary goal of engaging and empowering diverse community members around social and racial equity and inclusive leadership development. The work of the ULGC’s Center for Equity and Inclusive Leadership will transform the way our community addresses racial and social inequities through policies, principles and programming to prepare for Chattanooga’s Inclusive future.
Programs and Intiatives
State of Black Chattanooga
The Urban League of Greater Chattanooga has produced its first-ever report focused on the State of the Black population in Chattanooga and Hamilton County. The goal in initiating this report is to provide a high-quality, data-driven, accessible and localized report for the benefit of public practitioners and the community at-large for a holistic picture of the disparities faced by Black residents in the areas of economics, health, education and civic involvement. We believe that a report curated reflecting the Black experience, led by a minority-serving institution will play a vital role in creating a sustained path toward addressing longstanding racial disparities in our community.

Inclusion By Design Executive Leadership (IBD) Program
Strives to create a pipeline of highly skilled women and leaders of color prepared to function successfully in an executive assignment.

ULGC Young Professionals
Young Professionals is a volunteer auxiliary of the Urban League that targets young professionals ages 21-40 to empower their communities and change lives through the Urban League Movement.

Urban League Emerge Leadership Fellows
Builds emotionally intelligent, civic-minded and strategic leaders who possess the tools and knowledge to shape a more inclusive and productive workplace.

Racial Equity Institute(REI)
REI creates racially equitable organizations and systems through training programs designed to help grow understanding and analysis of structural racism, along with its cultural and historic roots in the United States and the world.